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If you'd told me one day Chad would be my step dad, I would have laughed just before I cried at the thought. In fact, that was my first reaction when I heard the news.
Well, not really my first reaction. I didn't know it was him at first. I only got the message from my mom that she was dating a nice guy, who was a little younger than her.
I was away at college at the time, my freshman year, when I got the news. I was happy for her. She'd been alone too long, and deserved someone nice.
The message that came later that night, though, was the one that changed things.
Chad was my high school bully. While he was never exactly physical, he was demeaning and rude. He'd laugh at my cock in the locker room or give me a less-than-playful shove in the hallway. When prom came around, he sprayed my crotch with a perfume bottle filled with skunk musk, forever branding me as "stinky".
When I left for college, I thought that was it. I'd be rid of Chad forever. When I got that message, though, I knew the torment had only just begun.
The message contained a video, and in the video was my Mom. She had a dick in her mouth. Chad's dick, as it turns out.
"Hey, buddy," it said. "Long time no see. Just met your mom and we really hit it off."
That was when I laughed. And then I cried. I immediately called my mom, who didn't respond until the next day.
"Chad?" I barked over the phone. "Your new boyfriend is Chad?"
"Oh! You know him?" she asked.
"He's a creep! He's the one who did all that stuff to me in school!"
"People change, honey," she said and I could hear her rolling her eyes. "Maybe that was the old Chad, but he's obviously grown up."
"Mom, he sent me a video of you doing... something to him."
A moment of silence passed, during which I was sure she was going to call him a bastard and break it off. She didn't.
"You have to give people a chance," she said flatly. "Maybe it's you who needs to grow up."
She didn't take my call after hanging up on me. That night, it was another message from Chad.
"Bro, why are you trying to be a cock block?" it said. "I had to smooth shit over with your mom. She was a little loopy, yelling and shit. Took me forever to fuck it out of her. Here, take a look."
I didn't want to play the video attached to the message. I knew what I'd see. I was right. Chad used my mom like a sex doll, stroking his fat cock in and out of her as she moaned. Even as tears welled in my eyes, my little dick was throbbing.
I wrestled with my reaction for days, avoiding contact with my mom. Every night, I lay in my dorm, my fingers twitching. I couldn't jerk off. Chad had ruined it for me. Every time I tried, I thought about what I'd seen.
That wasn't enough for him, though. He continued sending me more images, more videos, things no young man should see. Day by day I watched in horror as my mom sank deeper into depravity, owned by my bully's cock.
When we talked, I avoided the topic. I couldn't manage to ask about it, to talk about it. We pretended it wasn't happening. Meanwhile, the messages always came.
"Check it out, man! Got my whole dick down your mom's throat. Shit. That took some work but it's becoming second nature."
"My guy! You're not gonna believe it, but I got your mom to quit taking her birth control. I'm filling her up every night now. You'll probably have a new brother by summer break. A sister would be even better."
Then came the message that I truly dreaded. It wasn't from Chad. It was from my mom. A photo of an engagement ring. It was a group text to the whole extended family.
"I said, yes!" came the message with the photo.
As congratulations poured in from well wishers, all I could do was look at the next message that came in. Her hand around his cock, wearing that ring. Chad was going to be my stepdad.
After weeks of his taunts, having those awful, sexy images burned into my mind. I broke down. I had to let it out. I pulled up the first video, pulled out my cock, and began to stroke it. I didn't even make it all the way through before I plastered my fist in the first of many regretful loads.